Newsline Chemie 3|2022 - Langzaam opkrabbelen

  • Langzaam opkrabbelen

  • Flowmeting van aardgas en zuurstof voor de branderregeling

  • Temperatuurmeting in stoomleidingen chemiefabriek

  • Lekdetectie op CO2-pijpleiding

  • Beproefd meetprincipe – nóg beter

  • BM 26 familie uitgebreid met 6 magnetische niveau indicatoren

  • KROHNE Academy online

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KROHNE is a global manufacturer and provider of process instrumentation, measurement solutions and services in many industries. Founded in 1921 and headquartered in Duisburg, Germany, KROHNE has over 4,000 employees and offers extensive application knowledge and local contacts for instrumentation projects in over 100 countries. KROHNE stands for innovation and highest product quality and is one of the market leaders in process industry.