

KROHNE is pleased to welcome you to the KORMARINE in Busan! We look forward to your visit!

Event information

21-24 okt 2025

Industry areas
Marine industry


Variable area flowmeters

For simple and cost-effective flow measurement of gases or liquids without auxiliary power
- Glass and metal tube purgemeters for low-flow applications - Optional switches, 4...20mA, HART®, FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus, Profibus-PA
- Globally approved for use in hazardous areas and suited for safety related SIL 2 applications

Level transmitters

For continuous level and interface measurement – contact and non-contact
- Various technologies: FMCW radar, TDR guided radar, ultrasonic, displacer, potentiometric, hydrostatic pressure
- For process and storage applications with liquids and solids
- Meet the requirements of various industries

Custody transfer metering systems for H2

Metering solution for hydrogen
- Excellent measurement of pure hydrogen and hydrogen/natural gas mixtures
- Accuracy even at low operating density
- Self-diagnostic for optimal system performance

LNG-Quality Release System (L-QRS)

Software solution for efficient LNG loading operations
- Instant availability of both certificate of quality & bill of lading, based on real-time quality measurement
- Certified by NMi and compliant with ISO 8943, GPA 2172, ASTM 4784, GIIGNL
- Automated instrument validation and statistical process control according to international standards
- Energy calculations, loading mass balance and billing reports on vapour returns

EcoMATE™ Fuel and emission monitoring for seagoing vessels

Fuel consumption and carbon emission monitoring system for ships
- Onboard monitoring and reporting of fuel consumption and key emission data
- MRV compliant and verified acc. to EU regulation 2015/757
- Bunkering verification: monitoring and reporting of bunker quantities in loading lines

CARGOMASTER® Tank monitoring for seagoing vessels

Solutions for onboard tank monitoring and alarm
- Proven system, compliant with relevant marine regulations
- System software and instrumentation adapted to individual vessel applications
- Flexible integration into other systems and online remote service
